
Societat Orgànica is aprofessional cooperative that works in the field of sustainable building. With a team composed of experts from 5 countries, since  2004 we are providing services in the fields of technical consulting, training & education, communication, R&D, and green building.

Albert Sagrera

Architect (1998), he collaborated with Institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció de Catalunya (ITeC) in the Investigació en el Medi Ambient i Construcció Area develops his professional activity in Societat Orgànica (since 2004), as a specialist in the field of enclosures of materials and water cycles and/or performing tasks of LCA, water balances, etc.

Albert Sagrera - Founding Partner


Gerardo Wadel

Architect (UNLP, 1989), specialist (UBA, 1994) and PhD (UPC, 2009). He teachs and researchs at the universities of La Salle - Ramon Llull (ES) and Tecnologica Nacional (AR). He has been Education Manager and he is an Evaluator of the VERDE certification of Green Building Council Spain. His work field is life cycle analysis and also materials and construction technologies.

Gerardo Wadel - Founding Partner


Laura Reus

Architect, Universitat d’Alacant-UPC (2014). Master in Sustainability, passive design and simulation software, UPC (2015). Specialization in bioconstruction projects management (2016). She collaborates making housing and construction in Alacant offices and energetic simulations for Ecoactiva. Nowadays, she collaborates with Societat Orgànica in energy simulations/certifications in the life cycle of materials and water.

Laura Reus


Matías Orrego

Architect, University of Valparaíso (2005), Official Master's degree in facilities and Energy Efficiency, UPC (2010) Postgraduate in Sustainability and Architecture, Escola Sert (2013). Collaborates in the coordination of architectural projects in the educational area of tertiary buildings and participates in architectural projects of urban rehabilitation of housing. Since 2014, he focuses his professional activity in Societat Orgànica, in energy area, developing tasks of simulation, certification and energy balance.

Matías Orrego


Raquel Llorca

Architect, ETSA-Polytechnic University of Valencia (2019) and Master in Construction Management with a specialisation in Sustainability and E. Efficiency, LaSalle-URL, Barcelona (2019). She has developed her professional activity in different architecture firms in Switzerland and Germany where she worked in housing and educational buildings. At Societat Orgànica she collaborates in simulations and tasks in the field of energy.

Raquel Llorca - Partner


Amaia Larrañaga

Architect, School of Architecture and Engineering, UEM (2016) and Master in Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment (MISMeC) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ETSAV (2021). She develops her professional activity collaborating in various architecture and urban planning studios, in the design and development of public and private projects, as well as training and researching on issues related to models of urban, territorial and water management. She currently collaborates with Societat Orgànica in the areas of energy and water.

Amaia Larrañaga - Partner


Hedda Egerlid

BSc in Architecture and Engineering (2019), MSc in Industrial Ecology, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg (2022). Having specialised in sustainability and R&D in engineering and research teams in London and Gothenburg, she joined societat organica in 2022 focusing on parametric design optimisation, data analysis and visualisation and development of new assessment methodologies within the area of energy and passive design.

Hedda Egerlid


Luca Volpi

Architect, Technical University of Darmstadt (2006), specializing in energy efficient buildings and sustainable materials. He is formed in Rehabilitation and Solar Construction in Kempten (Center of Energy and Environment, EZA). He developed his professional activity in Germany, realizing projects of energy rehabilitation, conversion of industrial parks and energy certifications. He is a reader in conferences, masters, postgraduate in several languages.

Luca Volpi - Partner


Pablo González

Architect (2016) professional experience in the public and private sector. It has been professionally developed in both Barcelona and Latin America. Specialized in the analysis and development of passive strategies and bioclimatic architecture. He collaborates with Societat Orgànica in the energy consultancy of projects and has developed a methodology that analyzes the comfort as a parameter for the evaluation's projects.

Pablo González - Partner


Víctor Pesquera

Architect (2017) and MBArch in Architecture, Energy and Environment (AiEM) by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ETSAB (2020). He has worked on project management, architectural projects and environmental consultancy in Mexico and Barcelona. He joined Sociedad Orgánica in 2022 focusing on the areas of water and energy in the urban environment.

Víctor Pesquera - Partnet


Aurora Moyano

Architect, ETSAB (2001) and Postgraduate in Building Energy Management and Sustainability and Architecture, Escola Sert (2014-2015). He began his professional activity collaborating in architecture and engineering offices, where he specializes in the field of building installations and energy efficiency. Since 2016, she takes part of the Societat Orgànica team, performing tasks in the field of energy.

Aurora Moyano


José Antonio Calle

Architect, ETSA of Granada (2018) and Master of Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment (MISMeC) at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya ETSAV (2020). He began his professional career collaborating in various architectural teams in Seville, Bordeaux and Barcelona, working in projects in the fields of rehabilitation and public space. In 2021 he joined the Societat Orgànica team, where he is currently working in the energy area.

José Antonio Calle - Partner


María Dolores Juri

Architect (UNT-Argentina, 2016). Master's degree in Environmental Management and Building Design (UNAV-España, 2017). Postgraduate’s degree in Energy and Environmental Certifications (UB-España, 2017). Postgraduate’s degree in Bioclimatic Architecture and International Cooperation (UB-España, 2018). LEED AP BD+C. Join the SO team in 2018.

María Dolores Juri


Paula Serra

Architect (2001), professional experience in public administration and private in Portugal. Specialization in Sustainability and Passive Design, UPC (2007). Specialization in Installations and Energy Efficiency, UPC (2008). Member of Societat Orgànica team (2010-nowadays). develops, among others, advisory, simulation, certification and training in energy area.

Paula Serra


Víctor Viscor

Architect, ETSALS (2014) and Master of sustainable intervention in the built Environment (MISMeC) at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya ETSAV (2018). He began his professional work collaborating in several architectural firms, in different public and private project scales. After awhile working independently on small projects, he joined the SO team in 2018.

Víctor Viscor - Partner

has also collaborated with us

Javier Calahorro (architect), Laura Rodríguez (architect), Verónica Sendra (architect), Fabián López (founder partnet, architect), Lluís Torrent (enviromental specialist), Laia Guillén (architect), Sussana Rosselló (administrative), Laia Navas (administrative), Paula Castaño (technical architect), Lourdes Juncos (architect), Martí Riera (architect), Anna Agramunt (administrative), Eva Panyella (technical architect), Mar Mulero (technical architect), Laia Casafont (enviromental specialist), Karyn Rodrigues (architect), Xevi Prat (architect), Georgina Rendón (architect), Rosario Agueci (architect), Pol Alonso (architect)