imatge: LaCol

La Borda: edifici d'habitatges cooperatiu a Can Batlló

imatge: Adriá Goula

APROP, allotjaments de proximitat a Ciutat Vella

imatge: Anna Agramunt Adell

Centre de recerca ICTA-ICP

imatge: Victor Serri Photo

La Comunal espai cooperatiu

imatge: HArquitectes

La Lleialtat Santsenca

imatge: Diego Opazo

Reforma i ampliació Col·legi Alemany a València

imatge: Harquitectes

Celler al Priorat

imatge: Araba Press

Edifici d'oficines EDP-Naturgas a Bilbao

imatge: Sustainable Tourism +20

Palau de Congressos Europa a Vitòria-Gasteiz

imatge: Fernando Alda

Museu de Ciència, Medi Ambient i Clima de Lleida

imatge: Aldo Amoretti / MDBA

Residència d'estudiants al campus UPC Besòs

imatge: Mónica Barrio / AR47

Rehabilitació del poliesportiu de Can Xarau a Cerdanyola

imatge: Adrià Goula

Residència d'estudiants ETSAV

imatge: Societat Orgànica

RELS: eficiència energètica en la rehabilitació d’habitatges

imatge: LaCol

Escola de teatre El Timbal a Sants

imatge: Diego Opazo

Sala polivalent Liceu Francès a València


Energy Efficiency / ZEB

We develop strategies aimed at reducing energy demand by implementing concepts and practices from passive architecture. Starting from a very low demand, the active systems are defined and dimensioned to obtain maximum energy efficiency.


Environmental quality is usually certified based on different labels and standards. We are able to develop both energy certifications and LCA-based labels (i.e. LEED type, etc.).

Energy Audits

We carry out energy audits putting emphasis in the building management and developing improvement actions that are both effective and cost-sensitive.

Resource Efficiency / NZIB

We advise development companies and project executors that aim to reach the most ambitious global environmental quality standards during the building’s life cycle (NZIB: Nearly Zero Impact Building) in the fields of energy, water, materials and waste.

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

Societat Orgànica develops Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for the entire building including all the elements and processes that are part of it.

HVAC Installations

We design HVAC installations (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) that maximise energy efficiency while minimising operating costs. We determine the best adjustment of power to install based on the dynamic annual study and the power schedules required for the building.

Environmental Policies

We develop environmental policies both for private and public institutions, studying regulations and internal processes oriented to reduce environmental impacts.

Training & Capacity Building

Our training programmes provide the basis to build the right abilities and knowledge to put sustainability at the core of the building and construction activities.

We are a professional cooperative that works in the field of sustainable building. With more than 13 years experience we are specialists in technical consulting, training & education, communication, R&D, and green building.

Our goal is to move towards sustainability in the field of building and construction. To achieve this, we work under a circular economy approach, closing the materials cycle, reducing demand and efficiently managing the use of energy and resources.

Meet our team



Our range of clients include, among others: development companies, architecture offices, construction companies, public administration, universities and training centers.